At the photoshoot I maxed out my mem card and couldn't believe it. Later that night I remembered that I wanted to shoot in RAW and realized instead of having the RAW option I had the RAW & L option which basically meant I was going to have two copies (one RAW and one JPG) of each shot. It also didn't help that I was bracketing. To see the images in RAW I can't use Windows Live Viewer and I have to go through Photoshop which I just find to be a hassle. Now, I'm wondering if I should just shoot JPG or go through the hassle of one by one with RAW. The good thing about using the RAW & L option on my camera is that I can view the JPG on the Live Viewer but also have the RAW photo if I need to get some processing done.
Speaking of which, because this shoot was an assignment for my illumination class we need to hand in the photos as is, meaning no post-processing. (I admit I'm a PhotoShop addict). Luckily (or maybe it ISN'T luck LOL), I had a few shots where I don't think I'll need any post-rpocessing. I "edited" my photos from the original 265 to 178. I did a second round of "editing" (btw by editing I mean choosing the ones I like) and from that 178 it went down to 102, of which I think 32 are pretty good and could go without processing. I WILL say this: I would LOVE to own that HP with the big touchscreen. LMFAO I had to take a few breaks because of my eyes trying to get every little thing judged. I seriously need to go and check if I do have OCD or something.
I'll try to post up a video like I did last time, in the meantime you can check out the photos on my Facebook page for "Jackiri Photo" or on my Flickr photostream. Not all of the photos that weren't processed are there because I need to get permission from the other model, but those are only a few and I'll let ya know once they're up (if permission is given). Later!!
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