Monday, September 27, 2010

Assignment -- "Art Movements in Photography"

For my illumination class, we were given some terms we had to define. Then, we had to hand in those defined terms with a photograph representing each one.  Below you'll find a a video showing the photos I chose from the many shots I took, and if you visit my Flickr Photostream you'll find the photos I turned in.

Abstract - I had heard of abstract photography before but I guess I wasn't quite sure of it.  After reading an awesome post (wishing right now I knew where), I decided I wanted to play with some water and dye.  Now, let me make things clear, I am new at this and poor.  So, although I can pretty much get around my camera, I still need to learn a few things.  Also, I don't have actual lighting so for the moment I use my worklights.  I had a pair, yet when I went to turn them on I found that one of the bulbs had blown out so I was stuck with ONE worklight and a small lamp.  I played around with the dye but couldn't get it quite right.  If you see the video, you'll notice how the dye is slightly out of focus.  I wanted to get a sharper image of the dye.  I then decided to experiment with something else and finally loved the abstract photo I chose.  

Impressionist -  I was somewhat stuck on impressionist and decided to PhotoShop a photo I took of a street in Old San Juan near the San Cristobal Fort.  I tried many different effects before choosing one.

Abstract Impressionist - I knew what I wanted to use for my impressionist abstract photo and kept at trying to get a certain effect, though I wasn't quite sure what I was looking for.  My very last shot was the one I chose to hand in.  I took it, looked at my LCD and thought "This is it."

Realism - For realist, I wanted to take a candid shot of a homeless person.  Would you believe I didn't come across one?  Now that the assignment is over, I've come across a couple.  (sigh)  Of course, I would though.

Surrealism - I wasn't quite sure what I wanted.  There were so many things, but I didn't have the time nor resources available (one of these being lack of personal transportation).  I then decided to play with my eye.  (That doesn't even sound right).  I thought maybe of playing around with a shaped pupil and was working on it in school when a reflected image IN the eye popped into my head.  I immediately knew the photo I wanted to use.  I almost freaked when I didn't find it stored in my laptop.  Luckily, it WAS there and I immediately went to work on it (something that usually happens when I get thet 'gotta-do-this' feeling).  I messed up on the eyelashes and I didn't even realize it until I was checking out the prints.  Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do about it because I was already at school about to hand them in.  Next time, though.  This photo is still very dear to me.

5 words.  5 photos.  5 photos to hand in, that is.  Of the many, many, MANY shots I took I weeded out the ones I liked the least and those I chose are in the video.  The ones I finally chose for the assignment itself, you can check out at my Flickr Photostream as I mentioned before.  Until next time!

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