Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jackiri Photo?

Being behind and in front of the camera was always a passion and a hobby for me.  Career-wise I had set out on a path towards something I've always wanted to do, or at least I thought I did.  It's been a long and difficult path, but I always believed that when you want something you do just about anything for it.  About half a year ago or more I found myself asking the question "IS this what I really want?"  This question took me by surprise because, like I said, I always saw myself in that path.  I started to see the realities of that and just began to wonder if it was something I should rethink.  After so much time dedicated to try and achieve it, please know it has NOT been an easy thing to do.

So, that's when I started my quest of "What to do...?"  I went to a wedding and, like always, was paying slightly more attention to the photographer than to the ceremony.  I thought it was "cool".  My "date" started chatting up the photographer who he happened to know.  He may have caught me admiring the guy's lens and brought up the topic that I liked photography and had my own camera.  I don't know how it happened really.  One minute, I'm thinking 'I NEED to buy me a longer lens', the next I'm thinking '!?!'

I'm no delusional idiot, don't get me wrong.  Of course I 'd loved to dream about becoming a photographer and being a judge on America's Next Top Model (a joke I'll tell you about some other time), but my reality was more like, "Would I be able to make the same amount of money as a photographer as I would if I choose to continue on chosen career path?" (for writing purposes I will keep it unmentioned for now because I can just go off on the whole issue).  So, although I had always said I would love to take that NYIP correspondence course whenever I had some extra money I could spend, I decided to take up a course on photography near my home.  I didn't exactly want an Associate's Degree because I needed something NOW and issues with my then-current school I just didn't want to continue giving them my money.  But, I didn't know where else to go.  I then found out that an old school I attended was now offering a short photography course.

Now let me say, the school didn't really have all of can I say?  Trust.  I mean, I didn't really think much of them because of issues I had previously.  I know it seems like I have a lot of issues, but I'm poor and when I spend my money I want it to be worth it and teachers that leave mid-semester are not cool and neither is spending money on a class where the teacher is mostly BSing the whole way and I'm learning more through books I buy for fun at Borders.  (I try not to advertise for free, but during regarding that time, that last statement was completely true).  Yet, it seemed to have been my only choice for photography at the moment.  Up to now, I can't say I am unsatisfied or that my expectations weren't met.  In a few words?  For two of my classes I sit right up front and do not plan to start sitting in the back any time soon.  So, That's basically how Jackiri Photo was born.  Let's see if it lives long.  ;o)

Why the blog?  Come one, really?  Why NOT?  To write down the whole experience...I mean it's 2010.  Isn't it the thing to do?

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